Hi there.
After some inquiries we finally added the possibility to customize the Apdev VideoPlayer – only changing colors at this time but it’s a first step in the right direction …
You can now change any color of any object/control that is used within the videoplayer – but check the ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle.as for all the attributes that can be manipulated. And it’s up to you whether you change the attributes using pure ActionScript (1) or our html-version of the videoplayer and pass the values in via flashvars (2). With approach 2 you don’t even have to know ActionScript or open a flash-file – just embed the videoplayer-swf into your website and customize it via flashvars.
For further information, see the upcoming examples.
(1) If you want to use the VideoPlayer in a pure ActionScript project, you can create a new Styles-Object, set all the values you want to change. This object must then be passed into the constructor of the ApdevVideoPlayer and voilĂ … you got your own custom player.
Create your own Styles-object
package com.apdevblog.examples.style { import com.apdevblog.ui.video.style.ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle; /** * Custom style-sheet for a custom VideoPlayer. */ public class CustomStyleExample extends ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle { /** * constructor. */ public function CustomStyleExample() { // player bgGradient1 = 0x333333; bgGradient2 = 0x000000; // controlsBgAlpha = 1.0; // btnGradient1 = 0x333333; btnGradient2 = 0x000000; btnIcon = 0x66ff00; btnRollOverGlowAlpha = 0.2; // timerUp = 0x66ff00; timerDown = 0x999999; // barBg = 0x333333; barBgAlpha = 0.5; barLoading = 0x333333; barPlaying = 0x66ff00; // playIcon = 0x000000; // controlsPaddingLeft = 0; controlsPaddingRight = 0; } } }
Then pass it into the ApdevVideoplayer-constructor:
// create own style var style:CustomStyleExample = new CustomStyleExample(); // create videoplayer var video:ApdevVideoPlayer = new ApdevVideoPlayer(320, 240, style); // position videoplayer on stage video.x = 25; video.y = 25; // add videoplayer to stage addChild(video);
… and you’re all done.
(2) Second alternative: You can grab the html-version of our videoplayer from google code and adjust the .html file – no flash/actionscript needed.
// ... <script type="text/javascript" src="js/swfobject.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // <![CDATA[ var width = 380; var height = 240; var movie = "htmlvideo.swf"; // ... var flashvars = {}; // video + img info flashvars.v = "video01.mp4"; flashvars.img = "videostill.jpg"; // STYLES flashvars.playIcon = "#ff0000"; flashvars.controlsBg = "#ff00ff"; flashvars.controlsBgAlpha = 1.0; // ... swfobject.embedSWF(movie, replaceDiv, width, height, flashVersion, express, flashvars, params, attributes); // ]]> </script> // ...
Sooo … there is no reason why you shouldn’t be already using our VideoPlayer :D
Check it out.
Or take a look at the docs first and then download the whole package.
Enough for now … but keep the feedback coming, we’re still eager to improve the player over time.