example of the Apdev Videoplayer embeddded into HTML page

You can now easily embed our Videoplayer into HTML and pass all important variables (video-url, previewimage-url) to the swf via flashvars.

NEW v1.02: you can set styles via flashvars too!

NEW v1.03: html videoplayer accepts playlists with more than one video

... and because we're using swfobject it looks like this:

Styles applied via flashvars no styles applied / playlist of videos

var width=380;
var height=240;
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.v = "video01.mp4";
flashvars.img = "videostill.jpg";

// *** set styles ***

flashvars.playIcon = "#ff0000";
flashvars.controlsBg = "#ff00ff";
flashvars.controlsBgAlpha = 1.0;

swfobject.embedSWF(movie, replaceDiv, width, height, 
     flashVersion, express, flashvars, 
     params, attributes);

The Videoplayer resizes itself to fill the whole SWF - so in this case the player is 380x240px.


var width=380;
var height=240;
var flashvars = {};
flashvars.v = "video01.mp4|video02.mp4";
flashvars.img = "videostill.jpg";
flashvars.repeat = true;

swfobject.embedSWF(movie, replaceDiv, width, height, 
     flashVersion, express, flashvars, 
     params, attributes);

The Videoplayer resizes itself to fill the whole SWF - so in this case the player is 380x240px.

And because we're using a video playlist ans set the repeat parameter to true, both videos are played in a loop over and over again.

alternativ content
alternativ content 2

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