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ApdevVideoControls — class, package com.apdevblog.ui.video |
VideoControls for ApdevVideoPlayer. |
ApdevVideoControls(width:int, style:com.apdevblog.ui.video.style:ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle) — Constructor, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.ApdevVideoControls |
creates a new container for the videoplayer's controls. |
ApdevVideoPlayer — class, package com.apdevblog.ui.video |
Custom actionscript-only videoplayer. |
ApdevVideoPlayer(width:int, height:int, colors:com.apdevblog.ui.video.style:ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle) — Constructor, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.ApdevVideoPlayer |
creates a new ApdevVideoPlayer with specified dimensions. |
ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle — class, package com.apdevblog.ui.video.style |
Default style-sheet for the VideoPlayer. |
ApdevVideoState — class, package com.apdevblog.ui.video |
State of the video that is played in the ApdevVideoPlayer. |
autoPlay — Property, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.ApdevVideoPlayer |
start video directly or wait for a call of the play method. |
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