We’re proud to announce our first open source project: the Apdev Videoplayer.
It’s an ActionScript 3.0 script-only videoplayer that we’re releasing under the MIT license. So you can do with it whatever you want – change it, skin it or just tear it apart and use some snippets of our code. It’s up to you.
Another videoplayer you may ask? Well, we know there are lots of them out there. But this is ours and we know, why we’re using it day in day out. It’s easy to understand and therefore easy to use (which leads to “easy to skin”) and creates no big overhead to the rest of your AS3 project. So if you need a flexible AS3 videoplayer (and you don’t have your own yet), have a look at this one. If you already have your own, we would appreciate you sharing your ideas with us.
Some of our player’s features are:
- play/pause/autoplay
- seek/scrub
- change volume
- fullscreen view
- preview image
- resizable
- supports FLV, MOV, MP4 (h.264), …
And compared to Adobe’s FLVPlayback component our videoplayer super-small in size (11.5K to around 70-80K).
To better understand the videoplayer itself or how it is built, just take a look at the documentaion.
There is also a wrapper class for a player that can easily be embedded into html – embed example.
If you have any questions or even suggestions, don’t hesitate and contact us.
By the way, we’re cleaning up some of our code we have been using for the last years and I’m sure the videoplayer will get some open-source-company very soon ;)
Stay tuned.