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scrub — Event, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.controls.VideoStatusBar
Dispatched when the user scrubs the statusbar.
SCRUB — Constant Static Property, class com.apdevblog.events.video.VideoControlsEvent
seek(seekPercent:Number, scrubbing:Boolean) — method, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.ApdevVideoPlayer
seeks to specified position in video.
seek — Event, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.controls.VideoStatusBar
Dispatched when the user pressed and released statusbar.
SEEK — Constant Static Property, class com.apdevblog.events.video.VideoControlsEvent
setVolume — Event, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.controls.BtnSound
Dispatched when the user changes volume of video.
SET_VOLUME — Constant Static Property, class com.apdevblog.events.video.VideoControlsEvent
state — Property, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.ApdevVideoControls
videocontrol's current state (visual representation).
STATE_COUNT_DOWN — Constant Static Property, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.controls.VideoTimeLabel
STATE_COUNT_UP — Constant Static Property, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.controls.VideoTimeLabel
stateUpdate — Event, class com.apdevblog.ui.video.ApdevVideoPlayer
Event is fired when STATE of the videoplayer changes.
STATE_UPDATE — Constant Static Property, class com.apdevblog.events.video.VideoControlsEvent
StringUtils — class, package com.apdevblog.utils
Class with little helpers for working w/ Strings.
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